Every day, on average 96 elephants are killed for their tusks. In the last ten years, more than 1,000 wildlife rangers have been killed in the line of duty protecting Africa's heritage. Ivory is currently… continue reading
We were thrilled to be nominated for the ABC Award (Awesome Blog Content Award) by Gary Rogers  - our goal at Elephantopia is to raise awareness for elephants providing actions that people like you and me… continue reading
December has been particularly busy for me. I'm a full time musician who happens to love elephants and has dedicated all my free time to running this educational awareness blog. With holiday gigs, I haven't… continue reading
As November comes to a close, it only seems appropriate to share a note of thanks. Thank you for sharing your pictures, your stories and your thoughts about elephants on this blog/facebook page/tweets. I absolutely… continue reading
Today, August 12, is World Elephant Day. It's a day to celebrate the world's largest land mammal. A day to share cute photographs of your favorite ellie. A day for telling stories of how you… continue reading
I'm Elizabeth Chitwood, and I love elephants. This past week, HBO shared a wonderful documentary, An Apology to Elephants, narrated by Lilly Tomlin (who starts the program off, "I'm Lilly Tomlin, and I love elephants"… continue reading
Elephants are awe-inspiring. They are the world's largest land mammal. They live in families. They have emotions and communication methods. They are incredibly intelligent and pass this on from generation to generation. They are adaptable.… continue reading
Dr. Jane Goodall is celebrating her birthday today! Her life and work inspire me in my mission to create a harmonious future for elephants and humans. She started out as an ordinary woman, a secretary.… continue reading