10 Days and Counting
In just ten days, the third annual Global March for Elephants and Rhinos begins. No matter where you live and where you march, here’s three ways to make a difference with Elephantopia this year!
1.Sign this petition to BAN IVORY in Florida. Then create your own petition to ban ivory where you live. Because no one needs a tusk except an elephant!
2. Send a THANK YOU note to rangers who are on the front lines protecting Africa’s wildlife from poachers. It’s a dangerous job, and one that’s often forgotten about.
3. FOSTER KAVALA with us! She is an orphaned elephant, her family killed by poachers in Zambia in 2010. It costs about $35 a day to care for an orphaned elephant. Your sponsorship is key to her survival.
Kavala, photograph shared from GRI Elephant Orphanage
If you’re here in Gainesville, we hope to see you at the benefit concert on Saturday the 3rd and the march on Sunday the 4th (sponsored by CIFAE). See our EVENTS PAGE for details.
If you’re not, we hope you’ll get involved with a march in a city near you, and that you’ll join the herd with Elephantopia in the ways mentioned above.