Elephants are social creatures. They cannot survive alone (even bull elephants live in "bachelor herds" together!) - it's something humans can learn from! We need each other. We hope… continue reading
Enjoy this short, but fun, clip from The Elephant Nature Park in Thailand where this sweet baby enjoys a mud bath! We hope you're having a great weekend -… continue reading
This past 3-4 October, Elephantopia was proud to support the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos (GMFER) in Gainesville, FL. The weekend began with festivities at First Magnitude Brewing Co with a benefit concert to… continue reading
This weekend over 130 cities are participating in the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos. Here in Gainesville, we are hosting a benefit concert on Saturday to raise funds for Kavala, an orphaned elephant victim… continue reading
We are excited to be featured in two local newspapers in Gainesville, FL, for the upcoming weekend of the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos October 3-4. We are participating with over 130 other cities… continue reading
A glimpse into the life of an elephant herd! Want to experience this for yourself? Join us on our May 2016 Safari to Zambia! We still have a few spaces… continue reading
In just ten days, the third annual Global March for Elephants and Rhinos begins. No matter where you live and where you march, here's three ways to make a difference with Elephantopia this year! 1.Sign… continue reading
September 22 is ELEPHANT APPRECIATION DAY! Take a moment to share with a friend why YOU love elephants! Maybe you love their big ears, their long trunks, their playful spirits...tell a friend and share this post… continue reading